Current projects

Do the production and drawing effects in memory share the same interaction with serial positions?

Sébastien GIONET, Sophia TRAN, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., Myra FERNANDES, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D.

Université de Moncton, University of Waterloo, and Cardiff University

Distinctiveness and Interference in Free Recall: A Test with the Production Effect

Sébastien GIONET, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., Marie POIRIER, Ph.D., James YEARSLEY, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D. 

Université de Moncton, City University, and Cardiff University

The spatial production effect: Is embodied cognition the key?

Sébastien GIONET, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D. 

Université de Moncton and Cardiff University